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Danzey Price (age 70) was pinned to the ground by a bull this past April. From this horrific accident, Danzey suffered multiple fractures of the left pelvis and left knee. Mr. Price was transferred to Kearney for surgical correction and screw fixation to correct this bone displacement. Following surgery, Mr. Price was transferred to the Phillips County Hospital, where his rehab journey begins. Awakening from his surgery, Danzey had one goal in mind, to make it back to his favorite place in the world, Kansas Biggest Rodeo, which was just a few months away. The rehab team at Phillips County Health Systems (PCHS) was just as determined as Danzey to help him reach this ambitious goal.

For three months following surgery, Danzey was not allowed to put weight on his left leg. During this healing period, Mr. Price’s work ethic was unprecedented. He worked diligently with the rehab team at PCHS. Never one to complain or sulk, Danzey went to “work” every day to get better. While rehabbing at PCHS, he always had a smile on his face and an admirable work ethic. “I like to finish the day exhausted,” said Danzey. “I always sleep better after a hard day’s work.”

Danzey’s stent in the Phillips County Hospital was short, lasting just a few weeks. Not bad from a man who was pinned by a bull a few weeks prior! Following release from the hospital, his rehab journey transitioned to outpatient physical therapy, where the strengthening of his left leg and body was progressed during this period of non-weight bearing. Danzey was healing well and determined to get stronger. Due to a partnership between The Wellness Center and PCHS, Mr. Price was able to benefit from a free Wellness Center orientation and a one-month membership. His therapy team customized a full-body strengthening program for Danzey to follow. His full-body routine took around 90 minutes- 2 hours to complete on his own. A 70-year-old man, not allowed to put weight on one leg, strengthening his body for 2 hours a day, 3 times a week, is pretty impressive! Utilizing the Wellness Center was critical in his transition from rehab to wellness or, more adequately, from REHAB TO RODEO.

At the beginning of August, Danzey made it back to the place that he loves, Kansas Biggest Rodeo, with one crutch nearby “just for show,” as Danzey joked.

Pictured with Danzey Price at the rodeo is Matt Broeckelman, Physical Therapist at Phillips County Health Systems.

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