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Medical Clinic and COVID-19

Just a reminder....Phillips County Medical Clinic REMAINS OPEN!!!!

The Medical Clinic and Rehab Dept are open to meet your healthcare needs. We have the precautions in place to keep you safe.

**Medical appointments are exempt from the KS Stay at Home order. We urge you to still seek appropriate medical care and keep appointments. A healthy community is better prepared to fight off future illness.**

Please let us know if you are more comfortable with a Home Visit or Virtual Visit (telehealth/phone call). We are here for you!

To further enhance our safety protocols, we are seeing wellness/preventative appointments during one block in the day and sick visits during a separate block. We have also closed the clinic on Fridays in April to allow the medical providers more time for COVID-19 related activities.

If you have any COVID-19 or respiratory symptoms, please call the clinic at 785-543-5211 or the hospital at 785-540-4911 for instructions. We are screening these patients at the hospital in our isolation areas to reduce potential COVID-19 contamination.

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